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Book your Colombian MOtorCYCLE TOUR

It's time to gear up and join a  Colombian motorcycle adventure tour! All of our motorcycle tours have been hand-picked to ensure the satisfaction of all of our clients. Whether you feel like taking it easy and taking in the sights, or an adrenaline-filled adventure, we have the perfect tour for you!


Check out the tours below and check dates and availability of our motorcycle tours in the most amazing places Colombia has to offer. 

Upcoming Tour Dates in COLOMBIA

February 16th- 5 Day Punta Gallinas

March 11th- 4 Day Mud and Mountains

March 26th- 4 Day Mud and Mountains

1 Day Coastal Tour Every Tuesday

2 Day Minca Tour Every Thursday

Get In Touch

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If you have any further questions about any of the services we offer, or would like to organize a tour or rental, we'd love to hear from you! Drop us an email using the bottom form or contact us directly at You can also call us, visit us, or DM us on social.

CAll us


9:00 AM - 6:00 PM 

365 days a year 

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Carrera 21 # 20-36

Barrio Jardin

Santa Marta, Magdalena

+57 311 364 2134


Masaya Hostel

Cl. 8 #43A-89 Office 201

El Poblado, Medellin

+57 301 668 6092

Cra. 19 #11-17

San Gil, Santander

+57 312 864 8041

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